Disciplines of the Heart

Jul 13, 2021    Kathy Phillips

How do we develop strong vibrant spirits? Just as in the natural we need to exercise in order to to strengthen our bodes, so in the spiritual there are exercises we can do that will strengthen our spirits and deepen our relationship with the Lord. In the words of Galatians, we sow to the Spirit. These exercises are tiny daily seeds we sow as we walk on the ancient paths with the Lord. They are sometimes called spiritual disciplines. I like to think of them as Disciplines of the Heart.

A discipline of the heart is an activity or action. As the saying goes, “Actions lead to habits, habits decide character and character determines our destiny.” These small daily actions will form habits that become our lifestyle and will change the course of our lives.

I read in an article that according to the European Journal of Social Psychology it takes on average of 66 days to from a habit. I don’t know how they figured that out, but the point is habits take a while to form, so don’t be too hard on yourself. If you decide to commit to the daily practice of the disciplines of the heart you will form habits, develop your character and determine your destiny, but only if you don’t give up! I want to encourage you, persevere. If you have never formed these habits before, start with baby steps. Just as a baby learns to walk, when she falls down, she doesn’t get so discouraged she quits, she picks herself up and keeps on taking baby steps until she is up and running!

There are two books I consider classics on introducing the concept of spiritual disciplines, Celebration of Disciplines by Stephen Foster and The Spirit of Disciplines by Dallas Willard. Both of these books do a great job of delving into many of the individual disciplines. If you want to go deeper in this topic be sure to read these two books. They have been very helpful to me.

Before we get into any of the individual disciples I want to warn you. The disciplines of the heart are not actions we take because we have mustered up the energy and forced ourselves to embark upon them. This is not grit your teeth obedience. This is not lifestyle by way of the Pharisee, we are not going go be legalistic about following the disciplines of the heart. The disciplines are meant to be undertaken because the Lord is tugging on your heart and drawing you to Himself. The Holy Spirit is whispering into your spirit this is for you. AND if this is His idea for you He will supply the grace/strength for you to do them. It will take perseverance on your part, but even that will be supplied by the Lord as you look to Him.

Practicing the disciplines of the heart is not just an item on your to-do list to check off so you can move on to the next line. These disciplines are a privilege to incorporate into your life. I love what Psalm 122:1 says, “I was glad when they said unto me, “Let us go unto the house of the Lord.”” This is exactly what our attitude should be as we approach the disciplines of the heart. We are glad that we get to practice them. We need to look forward to them with anticipation. Remembering that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, these disciplines are not an end in themselves but a means to and end, and the end is drawing near to the Lord, deepening your relationship with Him, abiding in Him.

The Bible does not have a definitive list of spiritual disciples. There is no appendix at the back of the Bible that gives an outline to follow. No where is there a specific list of spiritual disciplines that everyone agrees upon. In fact there are many different ideas of the actions that should be included in the list. The important common characteristic is they are all rooted in the Scripture and lead to a deepening relationship with the Lord. I will share my list with you but feel free to add any to it.

The first discipline of the heart that I want you to consider is daily reading of the Bible. This book is amazing. If you are not already doing so, take it in bit by bit every day. Over time, this will make such a difference in your life. In the Bible God communicates His heart to us. He gave these words to the prophets and apostles long ago. They literally wrote down His words so they can be passed on to every generation. What a privilege to have this opportunity to read the very word of God each day! The Bible is not only an ancient book, it is a living book. “For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, even penetrating as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12. God’s word may have been written thousands of years ago but God will meet you right where you are today in your contemporary life. His word also cuts through the superfluous matters and gets to the heart of things.

Get a plan, get organized. I think it is a good idea to read from the different sections of the Bible such as a chapter from the Old Testament, one from the Gospels and one from the Epistles and maybe one from the Psalms. Just read straight through each section a chapter a day. You can purchase a The Bible in a Year Bible where each daily reading is already organized for you if that is helpful. Another idea is to read from a chronological Bible that has the story time-line in sequential order.

There are also Bible apps that organize the reading and even read it to you! I have a friend who highly recommends The Bible Recap App. It is easy to use and will take you through the Bible in a year. Most plans do that. One time I felt the need to really immerse myself in the Word of God and did a reading through the Bible (actually I listened) that took 90 days. When I looked back I felt that experience was like flying over the United States at 30,000 feet, seeing the mountains coming up in the distance and the plains and desserts from way overhead. The perspective of reading through so fast gave a great overview of the highs and the lows.For instance I gained a new understanding for how much of the Bible is prophecy that is yet future, but I definitely missed the finer points that a more leisurely approach affords. For me a slower uptake is better. It is hard to drink from a gushing fountain! I have also tried reading/listening on my phone, and that is great if it works for you, but my preference is to read on paper. I like turning the pages and looking forward and back. The main thing is to find the plan that works for you and work the plan!

Some things to think about as you read,

• Come with anticipation, you are meeting with God! Listen to the description of the expectancy that filled the people who heard Jesus’ words, “And many were gathered together so that there was no longer room, even near the door; and He was speaking the word to them.” Mark 2:2. We come to His Word with expectation.

• Always begin with prayer asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you. “Open my eyes that I may behold wonderful things from Thy law.” Psalm 119:18

• Read with your mind. Be curious. Make sure you understand what you are reading, get a modern translation, even a paraphrase if that helps you. If you need to look a word up in the dictionary or find the original language meaning of a word use your phone for a quick reference. The Blue Letter Bible website is a great resource — it is the equivalent of accessing a library shelf of concordances and commentaries.

• Read with a pen and colored markers. Underline God’s promises to you write a “P” beside it. Put a “?” Beside something that is confounding. Make personal notes in the margins. I like to highlight in yellow the prophecies concerning the future and in green things that point to our creator God. Make the Bible yours!

• Read with your spirit. The Lord will give you insights, He will emphasize truths. Take note of what He speaks to you as you read. You are on hallowed ground, savor your time with the Lord, don’t rush through.

• Every time you finish reading, see if there is a command to obey or some admonition to heed. Write out a prayer to the Lord if there is a concern. We don’t want to be hearers of the word, and not doers of the word. Carry the word of God into your life every time you read it. Put it into action.

• If you once were in the habit of daily reading the word but have let that go, begin again today. You don’t have to wait until January 1st, start today!

Daily reading the Bible with your soul and spirit fully attentive is a great way to sow to the Spirit. It is a tiny seed you can plant each day that will yield a beautiful crop. “Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress may be evident to all. Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these thing; for as you do this you will insure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.” I Timothy 4:16-17.

Dear Heavenly Father,
You are calling me to a closer walk with you on the ancient paths. Help me to follow as you lead. Give me your plan for how you want me to read your living Word. Give me a heart of expectation and of perseverance. Meet me as I set aside this time to be with You. Strengthen my spirit through your living word and help me to put it into my life every step of the way.
In Jesus’ name,