Day of Pentecost

May 19, 2024    Kathy Phillips

Today is Pentecost Sunday. This day focuses our attention on the moment that forever changed the course of human history, the pouring out of God’s Spirit. The apostles were gathered in a room, united in prayer and expectation, when suddenly the Holy Spirit descended upon them like a mighty wind, filling the entire house. Tongues of fire appeared, resting on each of them, symbolizing an unprecedented event—the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This pivotal moment is captured in Acts 2:1-4, illustrating a miraculous occurrence and fulfilling God's promise to empower His people for a global mission.

Pentecost encourages us to seek a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit. It’s easy to become complacent, relying on our strength rather than God's power. Yet, as we open our hearts to the Spirit, we are refreshed and renewed, equipped for whatever lies ahead. The same Spirit that enabled the apostles to preach boldly can empower us in our daily lives, transforming our work, relationships, and witness.

What better way to kick off a new Holy Spirit series than on the Day of Pentecost?

Today marks the launch of our exciting new series, where each week, we'll dive deep into the Holy Spirit's transformative power through various Lectio Divinas, videos, scripture meditations, written devotionals, reflections, and more.

Starting next Sunday, May 26th, you will receive an email containing all the weekly series resources, which you can access anytime.

May the Holy Spirit fill your heart with joy and peace this Pentecost,
