Maundy Thursday

Apr 6, 2023

I grew up in a church where Lent was part of our annual spring tradition. Every year we held a Maundy Thursday service. You would think I have always known the meaning of the word maundy. Because I knew what was coming next for Jesus, I guessed that maundy must mean something foreboding or sad. But I was way off!  

This year I decided to look up the meaning of maundy. I learned maundy comes from the Latin word mandatum from which we obviously get the word mandate or command. So Maundy Thursday celebrates something we are commanded to do. What do you think was mandated on Maundy Thursday?

There was so much that occurred the evening of the original Maundy Thursday. It was packed with teaching and activity. During that last night of the earthly life of Jesus, He pulled His disciples aside and took those last precious seconds to inaugurate what we call Eucharist or Holy Communion. He taught how when we drink the cup and break the bread we should do this in remembrance of His sacrifice. He talked with His disciples giving them insights into the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. He taught them about the secret of having joy which comes from abiding in Him. He prayed for his beloved flock knowing they were about to be greatly tested. They sang a hymn together before leaving for the Garden of Gethsemane. There is so much we can glean from the night of Maundy Thursday, books have been written about this night. But what stands out as the command that was mandated?

It is a very simple and profound commandment. One that if we put it into our lives can turn the world upside down. In John 13:34 Jesus answers our question. “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” Just a few minutes before Jesus gave this mandate He demonstrated it by washing the feet of the disciples…even the feet of Judas who would betray Him. Jesus didn’t just give us words, He gave us an example. Love one another and all men will know you are disciples of the Lord Jesus.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Will you show me one practical way I can follow your mandate to love one another this Maundy Thursday?

In Jesus name,
