Good Friday

Apr 7, 2023

Good Friday is important because it is a solemn commemoration of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross, the pivotal moment in the history of salvation that brought about forgiveness, reconciliation, and salvation for all who believe in him. It is a day for us to reflect on the depth of God's love for humankind, to meditate on the significance of Jesus' suffering and death, and to be reminded of the hope, joy, and new life that arise from his resurrection.

Today’s scripture reading is Psalm 22. This psalm is often referred to as the "crucifixion psalm" as it foretells the painful and humiliating suffering that Jesus endured during his crucifixion. It is a lamentation by the psalmist, who expresses his deep sense of abandonment, loneliness, shame, and agony. Moreover, the psalmist describes how the enemies mocked, despised, and ridiculed him in his misery, which parallels the way that Jesus was treated during his final hours.

By meditating on today’s Good Friday Psalm, we can connect with the depth of Jesus' sacrifice and the intense suffering he endured out of love for us. It allows us to reflect on how God never abandoned Jesus, even in his darkest hour, and how his sacrifice brought forgiveness and redemption to all. It reminds us that we are never alone and that even in our moments of deepest despair, God is with us.

I invite you to listen to this Psalm 22 scripture meditation as if it were a personal message to you. As you hear the words of the Psalm, allow them to sink deep into your heart, and reflect on what they mean for you in your life. Feel the emotions and imagery of the words and let them bring you closer to God. When the meditation is complete, take a few moments to sit in silence and thank God for His everlasting love and grace.

Let Us Pray

Almighty God, on this Good Friday, we reflect on the sacrifice of your precious son, Jesus Christ. We are grateful for his unwavering love and selfless devotion to save us from our sins. As we meditate on the events that led to his crucifixion, we pray for forgiveness and the strength to carry on his message of love, peace, and compassion. May we always remember the significance of this day and the ultimate sacrifice made for our salvation. Amen.